John Deere Combine Settings for Different Crops

In older times, harvesting was a tedious task. But, thanks to modern technology, it is an old story now. John Deere Combines have helped farmers to carry out their tasks with ease and reap maximum benefits. But, for that, you must follow the John Deere Combine settings. Each of the settings differs from the crop. […]

Evolution of Farm Combine and Its Advantages

The earliest versions of the combine harvester used horses or ox and mule teams to pull. It came into being in 1835 when Hiram Moore patented the first farm combine in the United States. Since then, this versatile machine has come a long way and today does many things. The machine can cut the harvest, […]

Farm Equipment Maintenance Steps By Estes Performance Concaves

Estes Performance Concaves is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of XPR2 concaves. The company has maintained the quality of concaves it has manufactured for many years. Estes Performance Concaves are preferred by many companies that manufacture equipment used in harvesting crops. Its major clients being John Deere and Case IH, Estes Performance Concaves […]