Harvest Concaves: Minimize Harvest Loss and Maximize Yield

You are aware of the challenges involved in boosting the yield of crops, especially those related to the harvest. Thanks to technological advancements made in recent decades, all-crop harvest concaves are making it possible for farmers to minimize crop waste. Although concaves are designed for gentle or hard-threshing, getting optimum output in adverse conditions is […]

Why Buy Harvester Concaves From Estes?

There are many advantages to purchasing a harvester concave from the Estes brand. For harvesting different types of crops, different type and size of concaves are usually needed and it cost a lot of money to farmers to change the combine parts depending on the crop. But this problem can be solved by switching your […]

5 Benefits for a Farmer Investing in a Farm Combine

A farm combine is well known for facilitating the harvesting process. As the name suggests, it combines up to three functions of the same operation. One is reaping, which involves cutting and gathering crops on the farm upon being ready for a harvest. It also threshes the crop, which comes after the reaping, involving the […]

Case IH Combine Settings

Research shows that most people are unfamiliar with most Case IH Combine Settings. Today is your lucky day, as we’ll discuss some of these settings. Kindly read on to know how to operate this heavy-duty machine. Vital Case IH Combine Settings If you’d like to pocket more profits, you need to know a few new […]