You are aware of the challenges involved in boosting the yield of crops, especially those related to the harvest. Thanks to technological advancements made in recent decades, all-crop harvest concaves are making it possible for farmers to minimize crop waste. Although concaves are designed for gentle or hard-threshing, getting optimum output in adverse conditions is […]
Why Buy Harvester Concaves From Estes?
There are many advantages to purchasing a harvester concave from the Estes brand. For harvesting different types of crops, different type and size of concaves are usually needed and it cost a lot of money to farmers to change the combine parts depending on the crop. But this problem can be solved by switching your […]
5 Benefits for a Farmer Investing in a Farm Combine
A farm combine is well known for facilitating the harvesting process. As the name suggests, it combines up to three functions of the same operation. One is reaping, which involves cutting and gathering crops on the farm upon being ready for a harvest. It also threshes the crop, which comes after the reaping, involving the […]
Case Combine Harvester: Characteristics, Advantages, and Buying Guide
A combine harvester is very helpful for farmers in many ways. The farmers can thresh or separate any form of the crop with the help of this machine with much ease. In fact, these machines are engineered to harvest a wide range of grain crops efficiently. The Case Combine is an advanced farming technique that […]
The Unique Features and Benefits of A Case IH Harvester
The Case IH harvester is farming equipment used to mechanize farming work. This is part of the various types of equipment that can be used in farming to help the farmer. The equipment allows farmers to save manpower and time. Farmers needed to use physical effort for farming. When the farms were large, they needed […]
Aftermarket Combine Parts: An Innovation That Benefited Farmers
Farmers have the backbone of the economy of most countries. They also have worked the hardest over the centuries. Farming work has been considered drudgery and farmers have struggled to earn money. Life changed for the farmers in the 1900s as mechanization was introduced. Even before the dawn of the 21st century, farmers were using […]
Case IH Combine Settings
Research shows that most people are unfamiliar with most Case IH Combine Settings. Today is your lucky day, as we’ll discuss some of these settings. Kindly read on to know how to operate this heavy-duty machine. Vital Case IH Combine Settings If you’d like to pocket more profits, you need to know a few new […]
Tips to Increase Harvesting Efficiency Using Combine Concaves for Peas
Estes performance concaves stop rotor loss and grain damage, which increases the harvesting efficiency by 30%. There are separate settings for each crop and when you use combine concaves for peas make sure the upper pods are 30% ripe and turning yellow. Peas ripen from the bottom upwards, meaning when the middle 40% are yellow […]
Improve Harvesting Capacity by Fine-Honing the Combine Concave Setting
When the harvest season starts, one needs to have the machine in perfect condition. To improve the quality of the harvest and prevent losses, we have to adjust the combine concave setting. Here are the important things you have to look at before you begin the harvest. The Appearance of Damaged Grain One reason you […]
Timely Steps with Estes XPR2 Concaves for Higher Harvesting Efficiency
As a friend of the farmer, the harvester contributes significantly everything’ it has and more. All the farmer has to do is prevent the losses and keep the machine in good condition. The use of Estes xpr2 concaves proves beneficial because of its many features. The weather also plays an important role in the harvest. […]