5 Benefits for a Farmer Investing in a Farm Combine

A farm combine is well known for facilitating the harvesting process. As the name suggests, it combines up to three functions of the same operation. One is reaping, which involves cutting and gathering crops on the farm upon being ready for a harvest. It also threshes the crop, which comes after the reaping, involving the […]

Case IH Combine Settings

Research shows that most people are unfamiliar with most Case IH Combine Settings. Today is your lucky day, as we’ll discuss some of these settings. Kindly read on to know how to operate this heavy-duty machine. Vital Case IH Combine Settings If you’d like to pocket more profits, you need to know a few new […]

Aftermarket Combine Parts

In farming, every process requires utmost care and attention and has to be done in the most accurate way so as to minimize losses. Combines were introduced into the market to reduce the farmers’ stress. A combine is used in the harvesting part for a variety of crops. This machine can do four jobs: reaping, […]