The combine concaves are the most crucial and non-detachable components of the harvesting machinery. It is these parts that increase the speed & efficiency of the harvesting operation. Also, it reduces the requirement of human resources and time for carrying out the harvesting job. The innovative and advanced agricultural machinery comprises several working parts, chief among them is the combine concave. These two particular parts are performing the operations of threshing as well as winnowing. Since these components are required to work towards their best capacity during the time of harvesting and thus, any type of breakdown calls needs repair. This is expensive and takes immense time. The John Deere combine concave maintenance and repairs go hand in hand. When the components are well maintained, then it will be reducing the requirements for repair. It is because of this reason that the chances of the breakdown get simply reduced.
Reduce John Deere Combine Concave Repair Costs Through Regular Maintenance
To avoid the costly combine concave repairs, it is extremely important to carry out the maintenance of the machinery. A farmer is required to follow regular and systematic maintenance for ensuring that the repair job is avoidable. This ensures that agricultural machinery remains in good working condition.
Guidelines For Proper Maintenance Of John Deere Combine Concave

- The first step is to carry out the running of the harvesting machine for checking out whether it is working or not. It will also assist you in understanding that the harvester is working optimally and it has no fault.
- Clean out all the accumulated dirt, and debris and remove them from the combine components. It is extremely important for ensuring that the combine doesn’t get damaged at all. The dirt and debris will be letting the rats and insects for entering the machinery and damaging out the wire. So, regular cleaning is a must.
- Also, you are required to blow clean the radiations as well as heat exchanges. The inner part of the components is required to be cleaned out thoroughly.
- During the John Deere combine concave wash, it is important to make sure that the water will not be entering any of the moving components. As this may lead to rusting.
- Carry out the opening of the inspection plates. It is important to check all the components regularly.
- Also, check the concave as well as the sieves by opening them for ensuring that they are working in the optimum condition.
- In case of noticing any scratches, conduct the paintwork for patching up.
- Also, you are required to carry out the checking of the bearings within the combine. Replace all the bearings that are rusted or causing any problem.
- The oil and filters are required to be changed frequently. Also, carry out the regular oiling of the fittings.
- Also, check out all the augers as well as conveyors in a proper manner for ensuring that it is working in an optimum condition. Tighten any of the belts that have been loosened.
- Keep on checking the panel of the feeder house in case of wear and tear.
- The walker, rotor as well as straw choppers are required to be inspected for any sort of cracks, damage, or wear and tear.
- When the harvester is utilized after dusk time, then proper lighting is required to be utilized and also checked periodically.
- So, operators are required to carry out the screening of the machinery for rigorous days within the farmland. Neglecting to check the machinery will be resulting in the lost time issue that can be devoted to the day’s work.
By following the simple John Deere combine concave tips, the harvesting machinery will remain healthy and facilitate the farmers to get the most out of it during the harvesting season.